Where is God in the face of human suffering & injustice? Weekly on Wednesdays beginning September 25 at 7:30pm, in person and online via Zoom.
A most profound yet most mis-read and mid-understood book, Job has much to offer those who invest in discovering its true wisdom. Among the many ways it has opened doors to understanding and transformation for the spiritually hungry, here are three:
1) While much religion and especially imperial and colonizing religion is about learning and teaching obedience, submission, acceptance and surrender, Job is also about the empowerment of questioning, dissent and protest. Does your spirituality have a meaningful place for questioning, dissent and protest as much as acceptance and surrender?
2) While so much of life involves loss, grief and traumatic experiences of crisis, there is a whole new literature which is discovering in Job deep riches for therapeutic healing toward a more resilient wholeness. How fully have you experienced inner healing and how well may you be equipped to transmute crises in your life into transformative ways of living grace, abundance and peace?
3) While different authors may be responsible for crafting different parts of Job making it read in contradictory ways as if Job is a split personality, more profound readings recognize that contradictory experiences and emotions are very much part of the development of a rich spiritual life not closeted from the real world of vulnerability, pain and periods that can feel like chaos. How full-orbed is your spiritual and emotional life as you live it with eyes and heart wide-open?
If any of this stirs your soul, the book of Job, rightly read and absorbed, is inner medicine that can open up new spiritual arteries flowing through your being.
Join us, beginning Wednesday, September 25, 7:30pm, as we begin our journey through Job.
Ways you can participate:
1) Notes will be sent out ahead of the sessions along with readings from Job.
2) Each session will be recorded should you miss any or want to listen to parts of it again.
3) You can join our discussion group in person or online.
Any questions? Speak to Dr. Harris.
Files coming soon.