There is so much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn about all of our upcoming programming! Click the button below or scroll down to check out our "Announcements" section with posters and detailed information about our programming, or, keep scrolling to see our full list of upcoming events!
Prayer is talking to God, but prayer is also listening for God. How do we hear God speak? How may God speak to us in ways we may not hear using our own words?
The ancients believed scripture was not just something to be read. They also believed God communicated to us through the words of scripture. And more. They believed using the words of scripture for personal prayer could make prayer revelatory communication with God beyond our own words alone.
Out of ancient Christian mystical spirituality comes the practice of “praying the scriptures” or “Lectio Divina.” It involves four steps.
Join Mosaic and Armour Heights for a community dinner! To register, call 416-322-7002 or
Join us for our first gathering of 2025 for some baking, games, snacks and new year intention setting!
Everyone is welcome to join us to bake up our next batch of tasty treats to be shared with the church community during Coffee Hours (but also to snack on fresh out of the oven!)! All tools and ingredients will be provided
Join us as we discuss Shelby Van Pelt's novel: Remarkably Bright Creatures. You do not need to have read the book to join in the conversation.
Why did John write another gospel when there were already several others written? Clearly, he felt there was a whole other way of telling the story of Jesus. But more than this. John felt that the story of Jesus is all about inner spiritual transformation and unless this begins to happen in the reader, the story loses its deepest meaning.
So how does John work with words and story to create the kind of narrative that grips the reader at the heart level, opening a door to spiritual transformation?
John uses richly contrasting metaphors like darkness and light, blindness and sight, ignorance and a desire to understand, rejection and an openness to believe, and more. In John’s narrative, moreover, miracles are “signs” inviting deeper spiritual insight toward inner transformation. In fact, in John’s narrative Jesus is not simply calling for change in one’s life but a whole rebirth beginning in one’s heart. Unless your life is lived as a series of rebirths, actually, you’re not living the “abundant”, “eternal”, “resurrection” life you were made to live beginning here and now. God gave birth (Genesis) to creation, but God incarnate in Jesus is for the purpose of recreating and rebirthing us, because nothing less will bring the kind of change the world truly needs.
How may the narrative in John’s gospel, and deeper reflection upon it, become a gateway for rebirth in you at this time of your life – a rebirth in understanding, connecting with God and finding home in yourself and in service to the world around you? Join us Wednesday evenings, 7:30pm, online and in person, beginning January 29.
Our 2025 reads have been selected! Join us on the last Tuesday of every month as we discuss the book of the month. All are welcome - whether you have read all, part or none, of the book!
Sunday, January 19
Epiphany 2 Sunday
Open Mic, 7:30pm
Monday, January 20
Dance Fitness, 10:00am
Wednesday, January 22
Ancient Prayer practice: Lectio Divina, 7:30pm
Friday, January 24
Community Dinner with Mosaic, 6:30-9:00pm
Youth Group New Year Baking, 7-9pm
Saturday, January 25
The Great Armour Heights Baking Club, 1pm
Sunday, January 26
Epiphany 3 Sunday
Monday, January 27
Dance Fitness, 10:00am
Tuesday, January 28
Book Club, “Remarkably Bright Creatures” by Shelby Van Pelt, 7:30pm via zoom
Wednesday, January 29
Winter Study begins: The Gospel of John, 7:30pm
Sunday, February 2
Epiphany 4 Sunday / Sacrament of Holy Communion
Intergenerational Band rehearsal 12 noon
Monday, February 3
Dance Fitness, 10:00am
Wednesday, February 5
Winter Study: The Gospel of John, 7:30pm
Sunday, February 9
Epiphany 5 Sunday
Intergenerational Band rehearsal 12 noon
Monday, February 10
Dance Fitness, 10:00am
Wednesday, February 12
Winter Study: The Gospel of John, 7:30pm
Sunday, February 16
Intergenerational Worship Sunday with special guest: Guy Smagghe from PWS&D
Monday, February 17
Dance Fitness, 10:00am
Wednesday, February 19
Winter Study: The Gospel of John, 7:30pm
Saturday, February 22
Coffee Hour Baking Club, 1:00pm
Sunday, February 23
Annual General Meeting Sunday / Meeting after worship with lunch
Monday, February 24
Dance Fitness, 10:00am
Wednesday, February 25
Winter Study: The Gospel of John, 7:30pm
Sunday, March 2
Transfiguration Sunday
Wednesday, March 5
Ash Wednesday service, 7:30pm
Sunday, March 9
First Sunday of Lent
We are pleased to inform you that Circle of Care is now offering their exercise classes online through ZOOM! Circle of Care provides free exercise and falls prevention classes to older adults living in the community. The Falls Prevention program is led by an Occupational Therapist, and the Group Exercise Classes are led by trained fitness professionals. Classes are designed to help participants increase mobility, relieve pain and reduce the risk of falls by building strength and improving balance. Classes are funded by the Central Local Health Integration Network (CLIN), and are offered to eligible participants free of charge.
The classes have received RAVE reviews from our Armour Heights Community and run daily at 10:30AM, Monday to Friday! Each class offers a variety of options to challenge participants of all fitness levels. To view the full schedule and register for classes, click the button below.
If you have any other questions, please contact Erin Stone for details.
We have just received an update from Gillian MacCausland that in 2023 we have collected 592! Each mat for an adult takes 500-700 bags. CLICK HERE or the button below to learn more about the program. If any youth or other participants might be interested in getting involved by sorting or counting bags, let us know!
We also collected 459 egg cartons in 2023! Visits to the food bank that we are sending the egg cartons to have gone from 4,000 families each month at the first part of the year, to 7,500 this summer. We also continue to collect bread tags. Thank you for keeping the food bank in good supply! Keep it up!
If you are also able to supply diapers, baby formula, feminine hygiene products, general personal care items (soaps, toothpastes, shampoos etc.) or any items that can take a chunk out of a limited budget, they would be gratefully received as the cost for these items continues to rise. If you have any questions, speak to Erin or Gillian.
Many thanks again to Gillian MacCausland for piloting this project that serves our community and our planet!