Take a moment to drop us a line. To send a message to one of our ministers or staff, please send us an email by filling out the contact form below and to the left. To subscribe to our eblasts, click on the button below. Thanks for stopping by!
Rev. Dr. Harris Athanasiadis - Lead Minister
Rev. Rebecca Jess - Associate Minister (On Maternity Leave)
Erin Stone - Administrator & Manager of Community Engagement
Hannah Athanasiadis - Christian Education Coordinator
Bruce Nasmith - Director of Music
Michael Nettleton - Clerk of Session
Rev. Dr. Carol Loudon - Minister-in-Association
Rev. Dr. Pamela McCarroll - Minister-in-Association
Rev. Dr. Glynis Williams - Minister-in-Association
Today | By Appointment |
Armour Heights Presbyterian Church is a fully accessible church located in North York just North of the 401 between Wilson and Avenue Road and Yonge Blvd. Street Parking is available and our location is TTC friendly with just a short bus ride on the 165 or 96 bus from York Mills Station.
Join us for worship in person and online at 10:30am! During the week the church office is open 10 am - 4 pm, Mondays and Fridays, or by appointment. Contact estone@armourheights.org for any other inquiries.