Once a month we gather with youth in grades 7-12 for games, crafts, and/or service-related projects. All youth are invited to join us.
Check out some of our recent gatherings below!
We look forward to our next gathering on Friday, March 28 where we welcome Lauren McNair from Mosaic Home Care to lead us in beading and twiddlemuff making! RSVP at education@armourheights.org
A small group gathered in February to make candles to be given as Baptism gifts. Extras were made to be sold as part of a fundraiser towards future Youth Group projects. We also enjoyed snacks, conversation and games!
In January we gathered for a creative evening of cupcake baking + decorating, along with games and sharing some of our intentions and things we're looking forward to in the coming year. Our cupcakes were thoroughly enjoyed by all both on the night, and during coffee hour after Sunday worship!
In November we gathered for a cozy movie night in the friendship room, and finished off with some games. Lots of popcorn and snacks were enjoyed by all!
In October we gathered for Halloween-themed activities. We began with pumpkin painting, followed by a game of marshmallow toss, a chocolate treasure hunt in the sanctuary, and ended with a round of scattegories!
In September we met for our first youth group gathering of the new school year! We played a variety of games including Where the Cold Wind Blows, Werewolf, and Drawful on Jackbox TV.
In June we had our final gathering before the summer break. We played a warm up 'get to know you' game, and spent the rest of the time playing Monopoly and eating delicious pizza! We were so engrossed by the game that we forgot to take photos of the group!
In May we had a small but mighty group of youth adding ties to our no sew fleece blankets! We made one adult blanket and one baby blanket, enjoyed snacks, and ended the night with a fun game.
For our Youth In Action evening in April, we learned the art of songwriting with folks from Arise Ministry and Kajeb Music. Using the poetry of a woman named Angel Power, as well as other meaningful words and poetry we gathered, Kevin from Kajeb Music helped us collaboratively compose a song, while enjoying pizza generously provided by Arise!
In April, we took a special trip to Evangel Hall Mission. We were taken on a tour of the Evangel Hall facility, learned all about the important work they do, and made sandwiches!
In March, we gathered for an intergenerational evening to make palm crosses in preparation for Palm Sunday! We also enjoyed snacks and played some games.
In February, we gathered with Lauren from Mosaic Home Care and partnered to add buttons, ribbons, beads, and other objects to pre-knitted "twiddlemuffs." These will be donated to dementia and Alzheimers patients at North York General and Sunnybrook Hospitals to help keep their hands both warm and busy as they "twiddle" with the bits and bobs added to each muff. Special thanks to Sandy who brought us lots of supplies and helped teach everyone how to sew things onto the Twiddlemuffs!
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