John's intent is to write in a way that brings the reader face to face with the Jesus whose intent is to create rebirth in all who open their hearts to him. And rebirth is something we all need at every age and stage of life.
Weekly on Wednesdays beginning January 29 at 7:30pm, in person and online
Why did John write another gospel when there were already several others written? Clearly, he felt there was a whole other way of telling the story of Jesus. But more than this. John felt that the story of Jesus is all about inner spiritual transformation and unless this begins to happen in the reader, the story loses its deepest meaning.
So how does John work with words and story to create the kind of narrative that grips the reader at the heart level, opening a door to spiritual transformation?
John uses richly contrasting metaphors like darkness and light, blindness and sight, ignorance and a desire to understand, rejection and an openness to believe, and more. In John’s narrative, moreover, miracles are “signs” inviting deeper spiritual insight toward inner transformation. In fact, in John’s narrative Jesus is not simply calling for change in one’s life but a whole rebirth beginning in one’s heart. Unless your life is lived as a series of rebirths, actually, you’re not living the “abundant”, “eternal”, “resurrection” life you were made to live beginning here and now. God gave birth (Genesis) to creation, but God incarnate in Jesus is for the purpose of recreating and rebirthing us, because nothing less will bring the kind of change the world truly needs.
How may the narrative in John’s gospel, and deeper reflection upon it, become a gateway for rebirth in you at this time of your life – a rebirth in understanding, connecting with God and finding home in yourself and in service to the world around you?
Join us Wednesday evenings, 7:30pm, online and in person, beginning January 29.
Ways you can participate:
1) Notes will be sent out ahead of the sessions along with readings from John.
2) Each session will be recorded should you miss any or want to listen to parts of it again.
3) You can join our discussion group in person or online.
Any questions? Speak to Dr. Harris.