We're thrilled to be able to offer Compassion Camp (CYOB) again for the summer of 2023! Compassion Camp is a week-long day camp for all children ages 5-12. Join us for a week of fun camp activities as we focus on building faith, connections and compassion through activities, music, art, games, stories and more!
Dates: Monday, July 3 - Friday, July 7, 2023
Ages: 5-12
Drop off time: 9am
Pick up time: Between 2:30pm and 3:00pm
Cost: $100 per camper (financial assistance available)
Location: Armour Heights Church, 105 Wilson Ave.
The cost for this week of in-person camp programming is $100 per camper. Camp fees can be paid to Armour Heights Church in one of 2 ways:
1. By cash or cheque issued to Armour Heights Presbyterian Church (this can be mailed to the church or dropped off in the church mailbox or at the church office)
2. Through e-transfer to etransfer@armourheights.org (this is set to auto-deposit, so a security question is not required).
We want to ensure that all children have access to this camp programme. If your family requires financial assistance in order to participate, please do not hesitate to let us know. Contact Vanessa or Kim at education@armourheights.org to request financial support.
In order to participate, we need complete information and health forms for all campers. To fill out the registration forms, click here or on the link below.
The last day to register is Sunday, June 25, 2023.
Compassion Camp (CYOB) will be run by two certified teachers with many years of camp, teaching, and leadership experience behind them: Vanessa Horne and Kim Stanbury.
Additionally, Rev. Rebecca Jess will be guiding us with her spiritual knowledge and strong background of teaching and camp experience.
1. Campers are encouraged but not required to be vaccinated in order to participate in Compassion Camp (CYOB). However, campers who show symptoms of Covid-19 will be sent home to help prevent potential community spread. Families are required to self-screen for Covid before arriving at camp each day.
2. Masking is up to the individual/family as they are comfortable.
3. Campers will be assigned to meal pods or cohorts so that they eat with the same small groups of kids each day.
Please note that campers will be required to bring their own nut-free lunches each day as well as a labelled water bottle. An extra pair of indoor shoes on days when there is rainy weather is also encouraged.
Contact our camp directors Vanessa and Kim at education@armourheights.org, or call Armour Heights Church at 416-485-4000.
To register your camper(s), click the link below. This link will take you to our online camper registration, information and health forms that are required for participation in Compassion Camp (CYOB).
Interested in working with kids? Looking for an opportunity to serve in your community? Want some experience working with a wide range of children? Apply to be a volunteer counsellor at CYOB!
Any youth who are in or entering high school in 2023 are invited to apply to be Counsellors at Compassion Camp (CYOB), and any youth who are entering grades 7 or 8 are invited to apply to be Jr. Counsellors.
The role of Counsellor will include:
- being responsible for a small pod of kids
- assisting with daily programming
- providing leadership in specific activities, like leading games, crafts, singing, or storytelling
- helping to transition kids from one activity to another
- supervising free play times
- engaging in the week's theme
Counsellors in high school will be able to use this volunteer time to gain high school community service hours, if they wish.
To apply to be a Jr. Counsellor, click here or the camper registration button above.
To apply to be a Counsellor, click here or the link below.
The date is approaching fast so be sure to register soon!
We're sorry you'll be missing out but check back for future events like PA Day Camps and more!