Armour Heights Presbyterian Church
"Discover the vitality of faith"
Worship with us in person and online Sundays at 10:30am
"Discover the vitality of faith"
Worship with us in person and online Sundays at 10:30am
Welcome to Armour Heights Church! We are a vibrant community of faith located at
Worship services are held every Sunday in person and livestreamed at 10:30am.
We are a place where spiritual growth happens. We are a space where friendship, belonging, spiritual support and formation for every age and stage of life are developed. Whether you are struggling right now and looking for some meaning, direction and peace, or whether you are soaring and want to explore further where a spiritual life of gratitude and abundance can take you, check us out.
Whether you use a wheelchair, are visually challenged, have never been to church before, identify as LGBTQI+ or are experimenting with different faith traditions or spiritualities, we here at Armour Heights church are committed to a journey of humbly learning what it means to call ourselves fully accessible and inclusive. Such a commitment is integral to our call to be a church that follows Jesus Christ. Check us out and let us know how we're doing.
Worship services are held every Sunday in person and livestreamed at 10:30am (see the next section below for details). We also offer programs for all ages throughout the week online via zoom.
Thank you for taking some time to explore our website, and we look forward connecting with you!
Welcome to worship! CLICK HERE to find everything you will need to worship with us online. Access our livestream worship service videos via YouTube as early as 10:25am Sunday morning or watch the service anytime after 10:30am at your convenience.
Welcome to worship! CLICK HERE to find everything you will need to worship with us online. Access our livestream worship service videos via YouTube as early as 10:25am Sunday morning or watch the service anytime after 10:30am at your convenience.
Welcome to worship! CLICK HERE to find everything you will need to worship with us online. Access our livestream worship service videos via YouTube as early as 10:25am Sunday morning or watch the service anytime after 10:30am at your convenience.
Welcome to worship! CLICK HERE to find everything you will need to worship with us online.
Welcome to worship! CLICK HERE to find everything you will need to worship with us online. Access our livestream worship service videos via YouTube as early as 10:25am Sunday morning or watch the service anytime after 10:30am at your convenience.
Welcome to worship! CLICK HERE to find everything you will need to worship with us online. Access our livestream worship service videos via YouTube as early as 10:25am Sunday morning or watch the service anytime after 10:30am at your convenience.
Welcome to worship! CLICK HERE to find everything you will need to worship with us online. Access our livestream worship service videos via YouTube as early as 10:25am Sunday morning or watch the service anytime after 10:30am at your convenience.
Welcome to worship! CLICK HERE to find everything you will need to worship with us online. Access our livestream worship service videos via YouTube as early as 10:25am Sunday morning or watch the service anytime after 10:30am at your convenience.
Welcome to worship! CLICK HERE to find everything you will need to worship with us online. Access our livestream worship service videos via YouTube as early as 10:25am Sunday morning or watch the service anytime after 10:30am at your convenience.
We look forward to welcoming you to worship this coming Sunday in person or livestream. Following Toronto Public Health, masking is optional. We also welcome you to join us after church for refreshments and fellowship in our hall.
Our service begins at 10:30am with a prelude beginning at 10:25pm. Zoomfee hour is at 1:30pm online. You can also access past worship services by clicking the button below.
We look forward to worshipping with you and connecting with you!
Thank you for being part of our Armour Heights Community and for your ongoing support!
The congregation of Armour Heights Church acknowledges that the land upon which our sacred space is situated was occupied by Indigenous peoples for thousands of years before settlers arrived, and they moved freely through the land caring for it as it cared for them. These peoples included the Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee, and finally, the Mississaugas of the New Credit.
Treaty 13, also called the “Toronto Purchase” was first negotiated in 1805. Indigenous people were pressured to put a price on the land and were prevented from moving freely within it now that settlers “purchased” it. The “Dish with One Spoon” understanding of land ownership meant that land was like a dish with one spoon many were invited to share, taking only what was needed and leaving something for others. But settlers brought with them a different, more exclusive understanding of private property.
In time it was also recognized that the price set for the land was terribly incommensurate to its true value. Further negotiations and settlements were made over the years. Most recently, in 2010, a final settlement was made between the government of Canada and the Mississaugas of the New Credit, the recognized Treaty Holders.
We give thanks for this land and continue to ponder how we may honour it as those Indigenous to the land may teach us to honour it. We give thanks for the gift that it is, and commit ourselves to heal the injustices of our relationships with the land and its First Peoples.
We wish to share this powerful statement of "repentance and commitment to action" of our church, which began 27 years ago with our apology and confession to Indigenous peoples. At the bottom of the statement, you will also find links to other documents and our partnerships with Indigenous groups and government. We are holding nothing back, and the recent discoveries of graves only reinforces what we are committed to doing under the leadership and invitation of Indigenous communities. For more information, check out
To read the letter, click the button below.
The church office is currently operating on a flexible schedule during the summer months. Please call ahead to let us know if you are planning to stop by.
Rev. Dr. Harris Athanasiadis - Lead Minister
Rev. Rebecca Jess - Associate Minister
Erin Stone - Administrator & Manager of Community Engagement
Michael Nettleton - Clerk of Session
Bruce Nasmith - Director of Music